Consider These Activities for Your FFA POA

By |2023-04-07T09:29:19-04:00April 7th, 2023|Chapter Focus, FFA New Horizons, The Feed|
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A strong Program of Activities (POA) plays an essential role in your FFA chapter’s overall success, but planning strategic, entertaining activities for the entire year can feel overwhelming.

If you need help with the brainstorming process, you’re in luck. Read on for a list of activities and events you could add to your POA that align with the three program divisions: growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture in your area.

1. Growing Leaders

Plan a 5K run/walk or a career day event for the students at your school, or work with a local diversity and inclusion expert to develop a workshop for your FFA chapter as part of your POA.

To connect with FFA members from across your district or community, consider hosting a leadership invitational.

“Invite other chapters to come and practice their leadership development events (LDEs) or career development events (CDEs) that they’ll be taking to competition,” says Madeline Young, a program specialist in the programs and events division of the National FFA Organization. “Everyone will have the opportunity to learn from one another, and there’s a good chance you’ll make some new friends — it’s a win-win.”

2. Building Communities

Organize a cleanup of a waterway, park or green space in your area, or partner with another organization in your school or community to collect canned goods for people in need.

Young also recommends collaborating with a local stakeholder, such as your Farm Bureau or county fair board, to host an Agriculture in the Classroom event at an elementary school.

“Keep your eyes and ears open, and you’ll have no problem identifying ways to help support and build communities,” Young says. “Find a place for your chapter to volunteer, connect with charities or contact your local government officials to ask where you can get involved. The options are practically limitless.”

3. Strengthening Agriculture

Coordinate a fun activity, such as a pizza and movie night, to get to know members of your local FFA Alumni and Supporters chapter.

To aid in your recruitment efforts, host a unique event that’s likely to draw an array of students.

“Putting together a wacky Olympics event can be a fantastic chapter recruitment tool,” Young says. “Lots of students will want to participate, and you can incorporate ag-related games and activities — carrying an egg on a spoon as fast as possible without dropping it, for example. It’s a great way for potential new members to get acquainted with your chapter.”

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