5 Questions With FFA Alum George Class-Peters

By |2021-08-04T09:54:47-04:00August 3rd, 2021|The Feed|
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At FFA, we believe that what we grow changes how the world grows.

The Forever Blue Network is about reconnecting with those who made a difference in your life, reaching out to those you can impact now and finding a new world of opportunities. As a result, we are launching a new series called Five Questions to explore the lives of Forever Blue Network members.

Among other things, we’ll find out:

  • Who they are.
  • Where they are now.
  • What do they do.
  • How they do it.
  • Why.

This month’s Five Questions features George Class-Peters Jr.  George is a junior at the University of Delaware pursuing his bachelor’s degree in honors sports health. George is a former FFA member and a past FFA state treasurer. He is a resident assistant, president of the Undergraduate Research Club and student manager of the University of Delaware Division 1 women’s basketball team. 

Q1: What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

George:  The best pieces of advice I have ever received were the following:

  • If you stand for nothing, you will fall for everything.
  • Life is not fair, but God is good.


Q2: What was your supervised agricultural experience (SAE) or project in FFA?

George:  I had a few SAEs in my time, but my favorite was taking care of my school’s greenhouse and helping coordinate our annual plant sale.


Q3: Did you attend state/national FFA conventions? What was your favorite part?

George:  I have attended every state and national convention since 2015. Hands down, the best part is meeting other blue jackets who have had similar experiences and who bring different perspectives to the organization.


Q4: If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

George:  If I had one superpower, it would be the ability to breathe underwater.


Q5:  Where do you live, and what is your favorite thing about living there?

George:  I live in Delaware, and my favorite thing about it is the length. The state can be traveled so easily, and it’s very centrally located.


If you would like to be considered for an upcoming Five Questions, email Joanne Sergi,  jsergi@ffa.org, with your request.

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