National Officer Q&A: My Career Plans

Q: FFA prepares members for careers in agriculture and beyond. What career are you planning to pursue, and how will FFA help you get there?

This year will allow me to brush shoulders with so many different people and opportunities. I will be able to see how I can take those passions for people and agriculture and try to create a better world around me – even after I hang up this jacket for the very last time.
– Andrew Seibel, National FFA President

I’m really hoping to use the leadership skills that I’ve gained through FFA – through the career and leadership development events and serving on officer teams – to hopefully work in a youth development organization similar to FFA. The dream is to work in a position where I get to encourage and inspire students in the way that I have been through FFA.
– Jessica Herr, National FFA Secretary

My tentative plan is to go back to the classroom as an agriculture teacher and make sure that I’m giving students the same opportunities that I was offered. While I’m looking forward to going back to the classroom, I also know this year will open me up to a variety of opportunities and I’m excited to see where that leads.
– MacKenna Clifton, Southern Region Vice President

Ultimately, I plan to pursue a career as an agriculture teacher and FFA advisor. I think what’s really special about FFA is that it gives you so many connections. I know there are countless opportunities for internships and jobs because of the connections I have made in the blue jacket. I also hope to learn more about the industry. After all, that’s what FFA provides to students.
– Gracie Murphy, Eastern Region Vice President

The one career development event I loved participating in more than anything else was agricultural communications. This contest equipped me with so many skills and a genuine passion. I have very high hopes that after I complete my term as a national officer, I can apply my major in agricultural communications and minor in legal studies in a career in agriculture law.
– Karstyn Cantrell, Central Region Vice President

I hope to one day enter the sector of international agriculture or agricultural policy, and to say that National FFA has influenced me to choose this career path would be an understatement. My very first contest in FFA was the agricultural issues forum leadership development event. It ignited a passion for policy in me, and it prepared me for what could possibly be my career.
– Ryan Williamson, Western Region Vice President

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