5 Tips for Recruiting New Members

By |2021-08-03T15:18:49-04:00August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Chapter Focus, FFA Membership, FFA New Horizons, The Feed|Tags: , , , , |
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For most schools, the new academic year kicks off in the fall, and a fresh class of students and newcomers will look for ways to get involved. Recruit new members to join your chapter this year in creative ways.

  1. Host a “Bring a Friend” meeting.
    Encourage current members to bring someone new to a chapter activity. No one wants to attend something and feel like they don’t know a single person in the room. Plan something fun and welcoming and watch the sign-up roster fill up quickly.
  2. Use school platforms.
    Does your school make morning announcements? Does your library or gymnasium open before school? Put your chapter’s name in the places where students already are – make up a jingle for the announcements, create FFA bookmarks or branded sports equipment and get your name out there!
  3. Master outdoor advertising.
    Invite current members to decorate their vehicles, parking spaces or even the school sidewalk to encourage students to check out your organization. See how far your school spirit can take you.
  4. Provide a meal or snack.
    Food is a natural draw for most future FFA members. Host a chili cookoff and invite future members to be the judge. Or join forces with the dairy foods evaluation team and plan a crazy grilled cheese bar or pizza-making challenge as a recruiting activity.
  5. Create a TikTok Challenge.
    Whether you are devising instructions for a secret handshake or starting a 10-finger countdown challenge, engaging with potential members online can be a great place to start recruiting early.
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