
Cortney Zimmerman-The Courage to Live Life

Life is tough today, but if we face our fears, push through the pain and face the obstacles life throws at us, we can reap the rewards in the end. In the retiring address of 2021-22 National FFA Central Region Vice President Cortney Zimmerman, we learn how to have the courage to live the life we are given and to face our battles without giving up.

By |2023-06-14T09:55:26-04:00May 19th, 2023|

FFA Values Lesson Series

This lesson series is designed to guide students to become better leaders through personal growth in working with others. Lessons can be used in order or on their own.

By |2023-05-12T15:36:22-04:00May 12th, 2023|

FFA Values Statements Reinforce Ag Ed for All

The FFA Value Statements create a foundation for FFA to ensure it can develop opportunities and platforms that open doors and remove barriers for every individual in agricultural education to experience premier leadership, personal growth and career success through FFA. The National FFA Value Statements were ratified by the delegates at the 94th National FFA Convention.

By |2022-04-19T10:14:02-04:00April 19th, 2022|
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