8 Ways to Celebrate National Ag Day

By |2021-01-20T14:41:31-05:00January 20th, 2021|Categories: FFA New Horizons, SpeakAg, The Feed|Tags: , , |

For 48 years, National Ag Day has provided a perfect opportunity to showcase the importance of agriculture. Celebrate the occasion and educate your community with one of these ideas, including two virtual options.

1. Plan a ticketed farm-to-table dinner as a fundraiser for your chapter.

2. Host a virtual career fair with community businesses that don’t have an agricultral focus. This allows companies to learn about the skills and work ethic of FFA members.

3. Host a farm carnival. Have a petting zoo, tractors to climb and a maze made from hay bales.

4. Organize an event for local farmers, like a breakfast or chili cook-off. Consider including an awards ceremony to recognize their contributions to the community and agriculture as a whole.

5. Display an “agriculture fair” in the school cafeteria or common area with posters and simulations of important agricultural concepts.

6. Coordinate with a local elementary school to teach an agriculture lesson. Plant seeds in cups, draw the life cycle of a butterfly or make butter in a jar using locally sourced cream. Need to interact virtually? Join the class via webconference or record a short educational video for the teacher to show.

7. Take over the school newspaper for a special agriculture edition. (If your school doesn’t have one, create one for National Ag Day.) Feature local farmers, students’ supervised agricultural experiences, quizzes, interesting facts, upcoming FFA events, and what it’s like to be an FFA member.

8. Advocate for agriculture to your elected officials. Arrange a webconference with a local government leader or school board member.

For more National Ag Day resources, visit AgDay.org.

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