FFA Chapters Ready to Usher in Spring

By |2020-02-14T10:13:05-05:00February 14th, 2020|FFA in the USA, FFA New Horizons, The Feed|
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From capitol visits to duck races, spring is the perfect time to show off your FFA pride. Read how FFA chapters across the country usher in the season.

Submit your chapter updates at FFA.org/submit-Your-Story.


Alabama FFA participates in FFA Day on Goat Hill, where members gather on the steps of the state capitol and meet with the governor and state legislators.


In a show of unity, FFA members around the state don Official Dress for Wear Blue Wednesday and share pics on social media.


This spring, along with career development events, the Arizona FFA will offer conferences focusing on teamwork, leadership and agricultural advocacy.


Some schools work hard to retain the freshmen in their agriculture programs and host special leadership events in the spring to get freshmen signed up and ready for their next year in FFA.


Plateau Valley FFA raises grass-fed cattle to sell to the community and school cafeteria. The chapter buys cattle from local members so the community can eat FFA-raised beef.


Southington FFA grows more than 500 four-o’clock flowers from seeds in its greenhouse for Michaela’s Garden Project, part of the Petit Family Foundation. The plants are then planted in one of the nine gardens statewide.


Caesar Rodney FFA holds a Blue and Gold Livestock Show for students with disabilities in the district. Showmen are assisted by FFA members and are awarded prizes for their efforts.


Florida FFA has partnered with the Florida Department of Education to offer FFA memberships free of charge to students in 31 rural school districts.


The Georgia FFA Foundation will host a fundraising gala in March to support the more than 43,000 FFA members across the state.


Mackay FFA incorporates aquaculture into its curriculum by utilizing its new aquaculture facility. Aquaculture is an important commodity to Idaho, as the state is No. 1 in trout production.


In March, for Agriculture Legislative Day, FFA members flood the state’s capitol to deliver gift baskets full of agricultural commodities to legislators and to advocate for agriculture.


FFA members speak with legislators on agricultural issues during Agriculture Advocacy Day in March.


Osage FFA worked with its subdistrict to host a celebration of women in FFA. Members listened to speakers, participated in workshops and learned how to tell their stories and take opportunities.


Many Kansas FFA chapters provide Aggie Breakfasts for all teachers in their high school to encourage camaraderie.


LaRue County FFA dedicated part of its National FFA Week to packing meals for Feeding America- Kentucky’s Heartland.


Franklin FFA hosts its Barnyard Bash. More than 1,500 young students from 15 schools participate in a day that enhances their ag literacy and Louisiana agriculture knowledge through experiential learning.


In April, Queen Anne’s County FFA members partner with other local and state agricultural agencies to host an Agriculture Awareness Day for seventh-grade students. More than 250 students from four county middle schools learn about careers in ag tech, leadership, grains production, animal science, plant and soil science and aquaculture.


Bristol FFA hosts a Spring Expo to highlight ag businesses and organizations. The expo features vendors, animal exhibits, food trucks and live entertainment, as well as student-grown produce, flowers and shrubs.


Several chapters organize an Urban Ag Day event where 1,200 fifth-graders are engaged through fun, interactive activities that teach them about where their food comes from.


More than 600 Mississippi FFA members, legislators, supporters and guests celebrate FFA at breakfast during National FFA Week.


In January, Missouri FFA officers travel the state for Greenhand Motivational Conferences, facilitating workshops and giving speeches in more than 16 locations to thousands of members.


The Montana FFA Jitterbug Contest is held annually at the state convention. Members show off their swing dance skills to win FFA merchandise and bragging rights.


Many chapters volunteer to mow lawns and clean up winter debris for community members in the spring. Ainsworth FFA does this right before graduation to improve the aesthetic value of the community for visitors.


Numerous chapters partner with governmental agencies to help with the revegetation efforts of native plants after destructive wildfires.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire FFA started the year with statewide CDEs in dairy showmanship, dairy judging, forestry, horticulture and forages. These competitions were held at a local fair and the University of New Hampshire.

New Jersey

Cape May Tech FFA members are building osprey nests to help grow the birds’ populations. Once the nests have been built, they will be placed in local marshes.

New Mexico

Each year, state officers establish a legacy platform. This year’s platform, “Take the Step,” is centered on opportunities available to each member within ag. Members take to social media to share how they #TakeTheStep toward improvement in personal growth, agricultural endeavors, community involvement and other areas.

New York

In April, FFA Camp Oswegatchie will hold its annual Adironduck Race when 1,000 rubber ducks will be raced down a river to support the capital campaign, the camp’s building project.

North Dakota

North Dakota FFA raised more than $50,000 and worked with 1,000 members to package up to 200,000 meals that will be distributed to more than 200 food pantries throughout the state.


A.B. Graham Ohio Hi-Point FFA has been busy thanking everyone in its high school. From giving cupcakes to custodians to passing out ice cream to bus drivers, these members have shown their appreciation to the people working hard for them every day.


Oklahoma FFA partners with Food Banks of Oklahoma to support Oklahomans who are food insecure. To support the backpack program, FFA members donate livestock projects to be turned into meat sticks.


Members interested in state office can attend Regional State Officer Candidacy Schools, where they learn from current state officers about what an officer does and the interview process.

Rhode Island

At this year’s state convention in April, members will build a fire to resemble the convention theme, “Stoke the Fire, Ignite the Change.”

South Carolina

Each spring, FFA chapters across the state bring their finest plants, flowers and shrubs to the South Carolina Statehouse to show off their prized plants to the legislature.


David Crockett FFA hosts an annual plant auction to raise money for chapter activities. The auction raises an average of $6,000 each year and features up to 1,000 plant specimens.


Nestle Waters North America and Ozarka Bottled Water Company reached out to Hawkins FFA to start a bee apiary on their 3,000-acre property in Texas. The goal is to attract the bees away from the bottling facility to the fields that have an abundance of natural springs. Scan this code to read more!


How do you spell springtime? For members of Salt Lake Tech FFA, it’s P-U-P-P-Y L-O-V-E. With spring comes the welcoming of new pups into their thriving guide dog program.


Vergennes FFA hosts local preschool and elementary school students in May for a fun morning of animals, agriculture activities and SAE displays.


Virginia FFA will host six area rallies where members can showcase their skills and knowledge by participating in CDEs and LDEs at the local level. In some parts of the state, members will participate in Food for America and donkey basketball.


The fifth annual Little Farmers Ag Classroom state service event will be held during state convention in May. More than 300 area third- and fourth-graders will learn about the state’s top nine commodities.


Wisconsin FFA hosts an EDGE (Experiencing Discovery, Growth and Excellence) Conference for more than 250 junior high and middle school members to learn how to develop and maintain a positive outlook on life, deal with negative peer pressures and motivate themselves and others.


The Greybull FFA Chapter works together with a local special education program to care for the local Buff Ranch, which includes two greenhouses, a barn, a shop, a tractor and classrooms.

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