Bayer Continues to Invest in the Future of Agriculture

By |2023-12-14T16:53:36-05:00November 14th, 2023|Corporate Partners, The Feed|
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Data science, biotechnology, crop research, regenerative agriculture, and other advanced practices are at the forefront of food, fiber and natural resources today.

That was not the case 100 years ago. Citing the upcoming centennial anniversary of FFA in 2028, Tami Craig Schilling contends that agriculture’s productivity rise over the last century didn’t happen by chance.

“You don’t just get that by accident,” she says of the correlation between agricultural innovation, FFA and agricultural education.

That’s why Bayer, a platinum corporate partner, continues to invest in FFA — a partnership of nearly 70 years.

Craig Schilling (pictured at left) is vice president and global mar­ket development agronomic impact lead at the crop science company. She serves on the National FFA Foundation Sponsors’ Board and is an FFA alumna and former Illinois FFA officer.

Bayer believes in the future of agriculture with agricultural education and FFA feeding the talent pipeline. Without teachers, Craig Schilling explains, it’s impossible to cultivate that talent.

A company that requires a trained workforce and knowledgeable experts, Bayer prioritizes supporting agriculture educators.

“The legacy of ag education in our country is almost overwhelming to me when I think about it,” Craig Schilling says. “We have ag educators who bring a multitude of topics and experiences to students … and we’ve got 90 plus years of history on the impact they’ve had. My ag ed teachers at Clay City High School in Illinois, Larry Keyser and Charlie Sappington, had significant impact on my career.”

In addition to FFA, Bayer provides funding to Curriculum for Agricultur­al Science Education (CASE) and the

National Association of Agricultural Ed­ucators (NAAE), providing professional development, educational resources, and advocacy to help recruit, retain and empower agriculture teachers.

Bayer also values supporting AgExplor­er, the National FFA Organization’s online career resource. The personalized interactivity and real-time relevancy of AgExplorer help FFA members discover potential jobs and help companies like Bayer find prospective employees.

“It’s one of the best tools to help stu­dents with career exploration. It does an excellent job of figuring out ‘Where do I fit?’ and ‘What jobs are available?’,” says Craig Schilling.

She adds, “Even if ag ed students don’t go into ag careers, they’ve received skills that are so transferable, and you have informed citizens who participate in society in a way that benefits us all.”

Bayer’s continued support ensures future success for FFA members and agricultural education programs — for the benefit of the world.


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