National FFA Officer Q & A: Spring 2018

By |2018-08-11T09:08:32-04:00March 5th, 2018|Categories: FFA New Horizons, National Officers, The Feed|Tags: |

Q: In your role as an FFA leader, you will undoubtedly inspire others to pursue their passions. Who inspired you to reach for a national FFA officer position?

Breanna Holbert

“I once suggested that a student interested in mechanics try applying for an FFA Agricultural Mechanics Proficiency Award, and he said he would think about it. Two months later, I saw him in line at California’s FFA state convention receiving his agricultural mechanics proficiency award. This moment solidified my goals in running for national office. Our words and action sare so powerful. If we choose to direct them to others in a positive way, we can create positive change. I wish to create that same change this year.”

– Breanna Holbert, National FFA President


Erica Baier

“It is definitely hard to pick just one! Laila Down, Steven Brockshus and Abrah Meyer, all past national officers, have served as amazing role models for me. I can recall a time when I barely knew each of them, and yet they offered encouragement, support and guidance without question. Their selflessness undoubtedly guided me toward pursuing this goal, and I’m excited to serve members in the same way!”

– Erica Baier, National FFA Secretary


Ian Bennett

“I’d have to say one of my high school ag teachers, Dr. James Corbett. He’s the one who really got me involved in FFA. Without him, I probably wouldn’t have been involved past the local level, and I wouldn’t have had the chance to go to the national convention, where I got to see what the National FFA Organization is all about.”

– Ian Bennett, Southern Region Vice President


Gracie Furnish

“I’ve been blessed with so many people in my life who have inspired me: my agriculture teachers, family and friends, mentors, former national officers and FFA members from my home state. They’ve always made me feel valued and loved. They also challenge me to grow each and every day. My goal is to do the same for everyone I interact with.”

– Gracie Furnish, Eastern Region Vice President


Piper Merritt

“In addition to many others, my family and my FFA advisors, Jonathan Holloway and Scott Nemecek, inspired me to reach for the position of national officer. Their continued support throughout my entire FFA career gave me the courage to be involved in the organization and to further my experience in this capacity. I’m so excited to share with others the inspiration that they poured into me this year.”

– Piper Merritt, Central Region Vice President


Bryce Cluff

“Throughout my FFA career, there has really been one person who pushed me toward new and challenging goals. One of my best friends, Colton Elmer, started out as my camp counselor at Arizona FFA state camp, and he instantly got to work helping me find my place within the organization. His example of leadership led me to run for state office and continue on to national office. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without him.”

– Bryce Cluff, Western Region Vice President


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