
CDE, LDE and Agriscience Research Choice Board

Career and leadership development events (CDEs/LDEs) and agriscience research help develop college and career readiness skills. Through this resource, students will be challenged to learn about and explore different events offered by National FFA.

By |2020-05-14T08:30:39-04:00May 13th, 2020|

Unit 5: Forestry

Food and Agricultural Literacy Curriculum-Unit Objective: Explain the basic concepts of the forestry industry.

By |2018-08-13T14:43:25-04:00August 13th, 2018|

Natural Resources

Food and Agricultural Literacy Curriculum-Foster an appreciation for conservation and preservation of the world?s assets through this unit. Twenty-five lessons teach about air, water, soil, forestry and alternative energy and the best practices used to maintain their integrity.

By |2018-08-13T15:46:22-04:00August 13th, 2018|

Middle School Food and Agricultural Literacy Curriculum

This middle school curriculum includes more than 150 free lesson plans-that's a year's worth of introductory agriculture content bundled into one location. These lessons are great for building your students' agricultural literacy and awareness and their appreciation for it.

By |2018-09-11T16:13:40-04:00August 13th, 2018|
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