Darling Ingredients Educational Resources
Dive into the world of agricultural byproducts and sustainability by learning about Darling Ingredients, one of the world’s leaders in utilizing sustainable ingredients and maximizing the use of natural resources.
Floral Shop SAE Video
Peek into this floral shop supervised agricultural experience (SAE)to motivate your students to try new opportunities in FFA by learning about a unique SAE.
Humane Society SAE Video Lesson
Have your students ever visited an animal shelter or the local humane society? This lesson gives them a chance to see a student in action through her SAE at the local humane society where she provides treats and toys to the animals and works with them on their obedience and training.
Market Swine SAE Video
Learn to step out of your comfort zone and start a new SAE raising market swine for show and food purposes. Kaylie’s SAE has taught her how to care for other living creatures and will help her with her future career as a nurse.
Appendix 3: Rich in Tradition
Anthony Hernandez celebrates Native American life and his experience.
Appendix 1: Automation in Agriculture
Agriculture innovations continue to expand rapidly, connecting technological advancements with food production. One particularly fast-growing technology in agriculture is automation.
Famous or Prominent Former Members
List of famous former FFA members who are prominent in agriculture, business, education, entertainment, government, science and sports.